
Nicholas Cappo

I'm Nicholas Cappo. Welcome to my site!


Undergraduate Student

I am pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Missouri -- Columbia. I will graduate in May, 2016.


Computer Science

Not only the field I study, but my passion! I started coding in high school and never turned back.


Leadership Experience

I'm so thankful to have had opportunities to lead my peers in a variety of ways both in and out of school.




University of Missouri - Columbia

I originally began my studies at the University of Missouri pursuing a B.S. in Biology. From there I switched to Computer Science to pursue a subject closer to my heart. Below are some of what I've learned though my 4.5 years of schooling. This is not a comprehensive list but it does highlight major projects.

Noteworthy Classes

Software Engineering

Was team leader of a six-member group using agile software development to create an online version of RISK using the PHP framework CodeIgniter.

Cloud Computing

Worked with graduate students to create an application that automated cloud resource deployment using a website designed to be easy to fill out by users not from the computer science field.


Developed a Fantasy Football simulation application using a PostgreSQL database with a team of five.

Computer Graphics

My final project was a recursive pythagoras tree that branched in three dimensions andd created with user-editable variables.

Concepts Learned

Throughout my years I have learned to use many OS like Windows, Linux, OSX and STUFF.

Work Experience

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Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute

RJI Online     Potter Conferences

Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Instituteclose

RJI brought me on to help redesign their old website. They wanted the site to be built mobile first, have items more findeable through a redesigned menu and information architecture, and to improve in several other areas. You can read the new site release story here

We quickly realized that we needed to build the new site from the ground up. We used the Bootstrap framework to make the site responsive and switched to the ExpressionEngine content management system.

While at RJI I also developed a website for their Potter conference as well as consulted on the creation of the Accountable Journalism website.




AIESEC is a student-run non-profit located in over 120 countries. We develop leaders through the creation and fulfillment of cross-cultural exchanges via internships and volunteer opportunities.

I served on a local committee of 25-35 people for a total of 3 years where I held the position of VP of Communications for one semester and VP of Talent Management for two.

As VP of Communications I lead a team of 6 that was charged with marketing, external relations, and information management for the local committee.

As VP of Talent Management I was charged with leading a team that function as human resources, conducting recruitment, and creating social events. I also was in charge of creating weekly meetings for the entire committee that included training, education, and updates.

9th Planet Applications


9th Planetclose

9th Planet Applications started off as 9th Planet Gaming, a small group of college students making video games in a dorm room. When an investor got wind of our development experience he offered up some of his ideas in exchange for our skills and together we formed 9PA.

Under the name of 9PA I helped develop several websites using the Django framework and learned about making a business plan.

Throughout my years I have learned to use many OS like Windows, Linux, OSX and STUFF.

Volunteer Experience

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This is a great way for me to give back!

Upsilon Pi Epsilon


Upsilon Pi Epsilonclose

In UPE, I have served as Historian, documenting our events. Such events have included several career-fair-type opportunities, coding seminars, and the Interactive Coding Experience, an semesterly event where members of UPE teach middle school students basic programming.

I was offered a position in UPE because of my high ranking in the CS department.